Thursday, October 13, 2016

Vice-MCIE Addressed FAO Roundtable Meeting on Timor-Leste’s Situation

“Timor-Leste is small country with population size of 1.2 million and 70% of these are living in rural areas and depending on agricultural sector. Thus, it is important to promote this sector development to reduce poverty, provide food security and promote economic growth in rural areas”. Said vice minister Nino Pereira at fourth FAO ministerial Meeting, in Rome, 3rd of October, 2016.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Proteje Ekosistema Iha Área Kosteira

Populasaun ne’ebé aumenta ba bebeik no volume atividade esplorasaun rekursu naturál ne’ebé maka’as, hatuur Timor-Leste iha vulnerabilidade ba impaktu husi mudansa klimátika.
Governu hasoru dezafiu ne’ebé boot no buka atu responde ba impaktu oioin husi mudansa klimátika, uainhira kria mekanizmu oioin hodi hatan ba kresimentu populasaun ne’ebé aumenta lalais.  

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Akontese iha salaun Reuniaun Gabinete Ministro MCIA horseik lokraik dia 04 de Abril de 2016, komesa husi hora 14h30 to 17h30, apresentasaun koná bá “Value Chain” ou Kadeia de Valor i “Business Incobator”, iha apresentasaun ne’e marka prezensa kuaze Diretor, Assessor no Xefe Departamentu sira hotu iha MCIA. Hanesan Apresentador au mesmu tempu hanesan mos moderador mak Assessor Demétrio no Assessor Pedro. 

Monday, March 14, 2016

Matadalan Ida Ba Dezenvolvimentu Indústria Iha Timor-Leste

Vice Ministro MCIA Nino Pereira

Ekonomia iha Timor-Leste depende maka’as ba sektor petrolifeira, ne’ebé kobre orsamentu anuál estadu ba dezenvolvimentu, vensimentu no mós dezenvolvimentu kapitál umanu. Tuir Planu Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál, Timor-Leste tenke atinji ninia dezenvolvimentu ekonómiku ho rendimentu médiu-altu iha tinan 2030, no define diversifikasaun sektor ekonomia ho baze agrikultura no turizmu.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Kingdom in Atabai

Before the arrival of the Portuguese the people of Atabai lived as a free society. They had their own king. The first king of Atabai was named Rapubuti. He was from the village of Tutubaba (former Cutubaba/Kota-baba), sacred house of Kelama. While he was reigning, he was always fair and clear to the people, so he was honoured a lot. His tasks were to teach the people to plant fruits, vegetable gardens and to raise animals. The people enjoyed the outcome of this and a part was given to the king. When he died, the seat was given to his child named Tesmali. He became the second liurai, from the same village and sacred house.